I'm sitting at the feet of the Creator, realizing that it has always been Me.
The resonance I experience throughout life in the good, bad, and ugly comes from the One Mind from which I flow effortlessly...
There is no space where I am, and It is not...
There is no space where It Is, and I am not...
My freedoms and shackles find expression through me...
To define myself by them, is to set boundaries; is to embrace identity.
The things that are me and the things that are not, are all worthy aspects of me...
For somewhere in the midst of this, I Am.
I release myself from the bondage of painstakingly defining where I am, where I am not,
and assigning meaning to each conclusion.
Truth is, I AM the fullest expression of the Divine and She is worthy, valuable, and precious.
Whether you define me as Priestess, Seeker, Goddess, Womban or Mystic, I AM.
My identity doesn't end where my words and comprehension perceive boundaries.
My Essence doesn't stop Existing because there is no one to witness the expansiveness that is Me...
Even if - and when - the Universe is void, I AM present, fully, wholly, thoroughly.
For even when Nothingness is abound, I am the presence and absence of all that Is.
I Exist...
I AM...
For my Sisters who enjoy audio, I've created a playlist on the Spiritualista YouTube channel.
This playlist is filled with affirmations that pour into you.
Allow yourself to be transported to sacred spaces that nourish you...
Happy listening!
*When you click the image below, you will be brought to the Spiritualista YouTube channel.*
Love always,
Marielle, the Spiritualista