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Natural      •     Ethical     •     Sustainable     •     Sacred     •     Black-Owned

About Us

Spiritualista Beautique is a luxury botanica for the spiritual Black woman who wants to luxuriate in her Essence, while creating safe, sacred spaces that reflect her brilliance.


We are a female, Black-owned, luxury botanica that creates sacred self-care tools to support your personal and spiritual growth and help you transform mundane spaces into sacred sanctuaries.


Plant-based, non-toxic, and luxurious, our products are mindful of your health and their impact on Daughter Earth.


Always made in small batches, our sacred self-care tools are the perfect addition to your customer's sacred self-care practices!

Our Philosophy

Rooted in Love


Clean Ingredients


Living in a world that seems to be intent on making you feel  small and insignificant, Spiritualista Beautique wants to help you see yourself as the beautiful, powerful, worthy woman you Are. 

We believe that your actions affect past and future generations. As such, we are here to help you create a new normal where your cup is full and overflowing with Love. 

We use clean, plant-based resources, without compromising on quality.

At Spiritualista Beautique we believe that sacred self-care doesn't have to be complex and difficult to be effective. We allow natural ingredients and resources to take center stage and steer clear from unnecessary ingredients that cause harm.

Celebrate & Affirm yourself.

Our Story

Born into a conservative Christian household, my childhood is filled with memories surrounding religious texts, community, and sacred rituals.


As far as I can remember, I have always had a deep love and admiration for those who can find meaning and purpose in their mystical beliefs. Enamored by their dedication, faith, and surrender to a power greater than themselves, I longed to experience this for myself.


While I hopes to one day experience such a relationship with the Divine, I didn't know that it would come to me, disguised as a quarter-life crisis. At that time in my life, I felt accomplished, but still oddly unfulfilled.  I didn't know it at the time, but my life was going to transform in ways I couldn't have imagined!


I started searching for nuggets of wisdom that would help me figure out what direction I wanted to move into. I would devour content from personal development coaches, I'd research spiritual teachings... Anything to propel me forward! What this brought about, was the realization that  your eyes will let you see what your mind believes to be true. And what I needed was a transformation of the mind.


My self-love journey transformed me and prompted me to liberate myself from thoughts, ideologies, and behaviors that inhibited Love to manifest itself freely and easily.


With the lessons learned in my self-love journey and the spiritual lessons that I learned along the way, I set out to liberate and empower my melanin-rich sisters. And what started out as an online magazine, eventually became Spiritualista Beautique... 


Always authentic and rooted in principle, Spiritualista Beautique is my love letter to the Divine, my offspring, and my Sisters. 


My prayer is always that my contributions liberate your heart, mind, and soul... And that you transform your surroundings with the peace and joy you find in your awakening.


I look forward to providing you with luxurious experiences that support your Purpose and remind you of your innate value.

Community Building

We're excited about creating a tangible safe, sacred space for spiritual, Black women. And we are actively looking for intentional brands to create these space with.


Often overlooked in mainstream wellness spaces, Spiritualista Beautique is looking to partner with those who are seeking to nurture the spiritual Black woman's pursuit for creating safe, sacred spaces that allow for quiet contemplation.


Interested? Sign up here!


Once we believe you'd be a good fit, we will reach out to you and get you set up!

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